Monday, May 09, 2005


The purpose of this blog is to define the true meaning of "ProLife."

"ProLife" simply means being against the unnecessary loss of life:

(1) Like the loss of the lives of American children from starvation and lack of health care while Bush pushes tax breaks for the wealthy at the expense of the needs of our most vulnerable.

(2) Like the unnecessary loss of the lives of American youth dispatched to fight an unnecessary war which was sold to the American public by lies and deception.

(3) Like the taking of life by our government's use of the unfairly administered and randomly applied death penalty.

We will show that the fanatics who have hijacked the term, "ProLife," are presently THE gravest threat to our most valued American traditions, to our very way of life which has made our beloved United States the best place to live in the world ever since our Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, determined that Church and State MUST be separate.